CRAZY HORSE follows the rehearsals and performances of the Crazy Horse Paris for a new show, DÉSIRS, staged by Philippe Decouflé, a celebrated French choreographer, as well as the backstage preparations of the dancers (make-up and costume fittings) and the various issues involved in the planning of the show and the administration of the cabaret. The show DÉSIRS is an artistic, modern, humorous and colorful spectacle that is the pinnacle of ‘nude chic’.
“Like a flock of rare birds preening their splendorous plumage, the perfectly proportioned dancers at Paris’ mythic Crazy Horse cabaret reapply their cherry red lipstick and dust their nearly naked bodies with iridescent powder before taking to the stage. These are among the stolen moments that make up “Crazy Horse”…The film is packed with beautifully shot images of the dance numbers: Topless girls covered with leopard spots gyrate around the bars of their faux lion’s den; others, seen only as shadows, gleefully disrobe, glove by glove and stocking by stocking.”
–Jenny Barchfield, Associated Press
“Frederick Wiseman brilliantly reveals the inner workings of Paris’ Crazy Horse nightclub and the artful nude dancers who perform there.”
–Kenneth Turan, The Los Angeles Times
“Substance, captured with style…”Crazy Horse” is a study of artistic process that is itself a work of art, and, as such, a reminder of what a documentary can be.”
–A. O. Scott, The New York Times
PLEASE NOTE: CRAZY HORSE can only be shipped to certain countries outside the US and Canada. Please click here to see if you need to order from a local distributor.
includes public performance rightsIndividuals
DVD - $34.95Digital Downloads

Please contact us for information on CRAZY HORSE DVD distributors in the following countries: UK, Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Portugal, South Korea, and Taiwan.
released 2011, 134 minutes
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